
来自于SpaceX的未来垂直起飞垂直降落火箭(VTVL)雏形突破新高度,325米啦,能悬停,重复利用,他们CEO Elon Musk怎么就这么牛呢(除了SpaceX还有Tesla,最近要开始跟美国政府谈判直销电动汽车了),老是做些一般人不敢想不敢做的事情…看看震撼的视频吧。



最近很火的拜登针对中国的讲话 – 关于自由呼吸


China is a great nation,

and we should hope for the continued expansion.

But ladies and gentlemen,

their problems are immense,

and they lack much of what we have.

We have the best universities in the world.

We have a legal system that is open and fair.

We have the most agile venture capital system in the world.

We lead the world in innovation and technology.

all for a simple basic reason.

Steve Jobs, speaking at Stanford, was asked by a young man,

how can I be more like you?

how can I become like you?

And Jobs famously answered: think different.

You CANNOT think different in a nation where you cannot breath free.

You CANNOT think different in a nation where you aren’t able to challenge orthodoxy,

because change only comes from challenging orthodoxy.

Dr. Dre转战大学培养人才

今天有一条消息是说,Dr. Dre, Jimmy Iovine捐资7000万美元联合办学,在南加州大学设立学院,培养艺术、商业、音乐方面的综合人才。

Jimmy Iovine,音乐制片人,掌舵A&M唱片,是他发掘了Dr. Dre,这个黑人说唱乐教父。商业方面,你可能会知道,大热的Beats Headphone就是他们一起的第一次尝试。

beats dr. dre

说起Dr. Dre,这就厉害了。建议看看说唱天王Eminem在2011年格莱美的精彩震撼7分钟 – “I love the way you lie” and “I need a doctor”。就会明白Dr. Dre的经历了。