碰到wordpress “406 Not Acceptable”问题,奇怪的解决

今天在测试一个newsletter的wordpress插件“newsletter”,启用后突然后台无法进入,提示“406 Not Acceptable”错误,前台没问题。

搜索了一下,正好就在inmotionhosting(我现在的hosting provider)有讲到解决方案。

Most “406 Not Acceptable” errors on websites are likely related to the mod_security setting on your InMotion Hosting account.

By default, all hosting accounts have mod_security turned on. There are some programs out there that do require mod_security to be turned off. If you do not disable mod_security it will cause a 406 error message.

Mod_security can be turned off and on for each domain individually. If you would like mod_security disabled you can disable mod_security via our Modsec manager plugin in cPanel.


